The House:

The House returns to DC this week after Speaker McCarthy reached a tentative agreement to reopen floor votes after a handful of lawmakers initially blocked the process due to objections over the debt limit deal passed earlier in the month.

Lawmakers will take up several bills under expedited procedures, including those concerning VA medical facility construction and small business entrepreneur programs for troops. Another bill would approve a June 1st U.S.-Taiwan trade initiative while requiring congressional consultation for future agreements. Other bills deal with opening up certain healthcare insurance reporting and coverage requirements for insurers and employers.

House Members will also hold several committee hearings this week, including the following:

  • The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability will discuss new EPA proposed clean emissions standards
  • The House Financial Services Committee will hear testimony from Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell on the regulator’s semi-annual monetary policy report
  • House Committee on Education and the Workforce will discuss competition and transparency issues in the healthcare market

The Senate:

Senators also return to Washington this week to take up federal appellate court nominee votes. Members will also hold committee hearings this week, including the following:

  • The Senate Environment and Public Works will hear state and local perspectives on the reauthorization of the Economic Development Administration
  • The Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee will hold a nomination hearing for several FCC commissioner-nominees
  • The Senate Armed Services Committee will hold a markup of the FY24 National Defense Authorization Act

The Administration:

President Joe Biden will be in San Francisco, CA this week to meet with experts on AI as the federal government continues to craft security and privacy safeguards around the emerging technology.