Congress Back to Business:

The House returns to Washington this week after Speaker Kevin McCarthy sent Members home earlier-than-expected last week. The Chamber is expected to take up a number of bills under expedited procedures, including those calling for the release of American prisoners in Russia, providing block grants for crop losses, and creating a special envoy position under the Abraham Accords.

Bills moving under regular order include those blocking regulatory actions on gas stoves and pistol braces, in addition to requiring Congress to approve proposed regulations with an annual cost of $100 million or more. Another bill would end the practice of courts giving deference to agencies’ interpretations of certain laws when regulating.

The Senate is also back in town this week with votes scheduled on Biden Administration nominees.

Both Chambers also have several committee hearings scheduled, including the following:

  • The Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee will hold an oversight hearing of the implementation of travel and tourism legislation

  • The House Financial Services Committee will hold a hearing to receive testimony on the state of the international financial system

  • The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on AI and human rights

  • The House Energy and Commerce Committee will hold an oversight hearing of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission

The Administration:

President Joe Biden and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff will hold a ceremony at the White House celebrating College Athlete Day. The President will also host NATO Secretary General Jen Stoltenberg at the White House to discuss the upcoming NATO Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania.

The President will also host the Chiefs of Mission Reception at the White House.