The Senate

Senators will continue to hold hearings related to the President’s budget request this week, as the House will begin work on developing FY 2023 appropriations bills when they return from a weeklong recess. The Senate will also consider the House-passed China competition bill this week.

The Senate will also host numerous hearings this week:

  • The Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee will consider the Department of Transportation’s FY 2023 budget priorities.
  • The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee will consider President Biden’s FY 2023 budget request for the Department of Energy.
  • The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee will discuss preparing and supporting the broadband workforce.

The House

House lawmakers are in their districts for a week-long recess.

Over the weekend, Speaker Pelosi made an unannounced visit to Ukrainian President Zelensky in Kyiv, reassuring him of America’s support for Ukraine.

The Administration

The Biden Administration proposed plans to waive certain visa requirements for highly educated Russians who want to immigrate to the United States. One proposal would remove the existing requirement that immigration applicants would need to already have a job secured in the U.S. The measure is meant to mainly target Russian scientists over a broad range of disciplines, including cybersecurity, semiconductors, and other computer and engineering fields.

President Biden continues to consider whether or not to cancel student debt, and how much he might cancel if he does. On the 2020 campaign trail, then-candidate Biden pledged to cancel up to $10,000 in debt for each borrower. As progressive lawmakers and have advocated for more debt to be cancelled – perhaps up to $50,000 –Biden has continuously pushed back the restart date of payments, which has been delayed since the start of the pandemic, as he considers executive branch actions.