President Trump touted his administration’s economic accomplishments and their effect on Hispanic businesses during a Wednesday address to the Latino Coalition Legislative Summit.

“You’re having the best year you’ve ever had. I have to say that. Last year was your best, and we’re beating it this year,” Trump told the crowd.

“With the hard work, love and devotion of millions of incredible Hispanic Americans, our country is thriving, our people are prospering and our future has ever — really never looked better than it does right now,” he added.

Trump rarely strayed off-script except to ad-lib short embellishments to his prepared remarks.

The president brought on speakers from the audience, which included Housing Secretary Ben Carson, Small Business Administrator Jovita Carranza and Puerto Rico Gov. Wanda Vázquez Garced (R).

Earlier, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and Surgeon General Jerome Adams addressed the conference. Adams appeared in lieu of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar.

Trump invited remarks from two businessmen in the audience as well as from Carranza.

Trump touted the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, which he called “incredible” compared with the “horrible” North American Free Trade Agreement it replaced.

And Trump said his administration will continue to pressure Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro.

The administration has consistently ratcheted up sanctions on Maduro while recognizing opposition leader Juan Guaidó as the country’s legitimate president, but Maduro has so far refused to budge from power.

“We’re with Venezuela all the way, and we’re doing a lot, and we have a lot planned,” said Trump, prompting a cry of “gracias” from a member of the audience.

“The tragedy in Venezuela is a reminder that socialism and communism bring misery and heartache everywhere they’re tried,” Trump added.

The Latino Coalition is a conservative Hispanic group focused on pro-business policy advocacy campaigns.

Trump last addressed the Latino Coalition summit in 2018; Vice President Pence has twice been the keynote speaker at the convention.
