WASHINGTON, D.C. (November 1, 2011) – The Latino Coalition (TLC) applauds the U.S. House of Representatives for passing the ‘Wireless Tax Fairness Act’ earlier today. The legislation would freeze all new state and local taxes and fees on wireless for a period of five years, and our membership of Latino-owned small business would surely benefit as a result.

The Hispanic population heavily relies on wireless technology to stay connected and to get ahead. According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, more than half of Hispanics use their cell phones to access the Internet and 44% own a smart phone (a higher percentage than the rest of the general population). As it stands, the average American pays more than 16% in monthly taxes and fees on their cell phone bills, so stopping the states and localities from piling on new taxes and fees is the right thing to do for consumers.

We applaud Representatives Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) and Trent Franks (R-AZ) for introducing this bipartisan bill and for rallying their colleagues to strongly support it in the House. Now, we encourage the U.S. Senate to do the same to help our members who rely on their cell phones to do business every day.

About the The Latino Coalition

The Latino Coalition (TLC) was founded in 1995 by a group of Hispanic business owners from across the country to research and develop policies relevant to Latinos. TLC is a non-profit nationwide organization with offices in Southern California, Washington D.C., and Guadalajara, Mexico. TLC was established to address policy issues that directly affect the well-being of Hispanics in the United States. TLC’s agenda is to develop initiatives and partnerships that will foster economic equivalency and enhance overall business, economic and social development of Latinos. Visit: www.thelatinocoalition.com.