The Latino Coalition stands in steadfast solidarity with the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community in forcefully condemning the heinous and despicable incidents of hate crimes and violence against them and the significant increase we have seen in the past year.  According to a report by the Stop AAPI Hate reporting center, there have been approximately 3,800 reported hate crimes against this community and while it has yet to be confirmed, the recent senseless shootings and murders in Georgia show an apparent linkage. CiCi Rojas, President of The Latino Coalition, issued the following statement, “There is no room in our society for violence and crimes of hate against any community in our nation and they must stop now.  Both deeds and words matter, and The Latino Coalition calls on all Americans to put an end to the type of racism and xenophobia that serves only to hurt individuals, families, our economy and our country.”

ABOUT THE LATINO COALITION — The Latino Coalition (TLC) was founded in 1995 by a group of Hispanic business owners from across the country to research and develop policies and solutions relevant to Latinos. TLC is a non-profit nationwide organization with offices in Kansas City, Missouri and Washington, D.C. Established to address and engage on key issues that directly affect the well-being of Hispanics in the United States, TLC’s agenda is to create and promote initiatives and partnerships that will foster economic equivalency and enhance and empower overall business, economic and social development for Latinos.