Hispanic BIC Provides Free Bilingual Business Information To Help Hispanic Entrepreneurs Start or Grow a Business

New York City Mayor Bloomberg Names Hispanic BIC Web Site Integral Part of City’s Five Hispanic Business Initiatives

NEW YORK (CapitalWirePR) June 18, 2009 Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg announced New York City is implementing five initiatives to aid Hispanic business owners and help strengthen the city’s economy. He announced the initiatives at a press conference June 17, 2009 at the Audubon Partnership for Economic Development. The five initiatives are:

Promoting the National Hispanic Business Information Clearinghouse, a free bilingual business resource web site, www.hispanicbic.org

NYC Business Solutions Financing Fair

A New NYC Business Solutions Satellite Office in Washington Heights

Greater Access to Pro Bono Legal Assistance

Seminar to Inform Hispanic Businesses about Services from City Agencies

“Strengthening and providing the tools businesses need in order to thrive are crucial to our Five-Borough Economic Opportunity Plan for spurring New York’s recovery from the national economic recession,” said Mayor Bloomberg. “New York has led the nation in the rate of growth for Hispanic-owned businesses, and it’s important to our economy to help even more of these businesses succeed.”

New York City has one of the largest and most diverse Hispanic markets in the country, with numerous U.S.-born Hispanic entrepreneurs as well as many first-generation immigrant businesses owned by people from all over Latin America.

“The Hispanic BIC is uniquely situated to assist this growing business community as we provide critical business resources to facilitate strong businesses, economic development and job creation,” said Sal Gomez, Chairman and Founder of the Hispanic BIC. “We’re proud to partner with Mayor Bloomberg, Commissioner Linares and Commissioner Walsh to be one of the five Hispanic Business Initiatives that will help build a strong Hispanic business community in New York City.”

“There are over 200,000 Hispanic-owned businesses in New York City and their success is important to the Hispanic community and the economic revitalization of New York City and our country,” said Hispanic BIC President Michael Barrera. “We look forward to working with city agencies, non-profits and Hispanic leaders to promote all five initiatives including a discussion of the initiatives at a Hispanic Business Forum scheduled August 6 at Casa Puebla in New York City.”

The National Hispanic Business Information Clearinghouse (Hispanic BIC) is a non-profit organization that provides a free, bilingual web site featuring critical information on MONEY, MARKETS, MANAGEMENT, TECHNOLOGY and PROCUREMENT to support the creation and growth of Hispanic-owned businesses. The Hispanic BIC website offers business-related articles, training videos, local city resources, demographic information, a small-business search engine and other tools to help Hispanic entrepreneurs achieve the American dream of owning a successful business.

The Hispanic BIC is supported by founding sponsors, Western Union and the U.S. Department of Labor, and two platinum sponsors, Microsoft and U.S. Army.