Speaking at the JW Marriott hotel in Washington, D.C., yesterday, President Donald J. Trump told members of the Latino business community that a shared National vision brings together people of all backgrounds.

“America First is about unity,” the President said. “It’s about coming together as one family—one big, beautiful American family—no matter our race, or color, or creed, to protect our jobs, our communities, and our country.”

The Latino community has been doing particularly well under that vision:

Last year, the unemployment rate for Hispanics reached its lowest level in history.

Latinos are also starting new businesses at three times the national average.

More than 8 in 10 Latino voters share President Trump’s belief that immigration to the United States should be based on skill, not just personal relationships.

President Trump, who knew many of the attendees personally, ended his remarks on a note of appreciation and optimism. “This is our time. This is our moment.”

Watch the President’s full speech to the Latino business community.