A Statement from the Latino Coalition

Washington, DC- The Latino Coalition joins the voice of our national colleagues condemning the insurrection of our U. S. Capitol. We believe a thriving democracy takes all of us. We cannot allow the anti-democratic sentiment that fueled Wednesday’s events to gain strength. We must work toward common ground characterized by patriotism, decency, and truth.

Despite such horrific events, our democracy held, but yesterday was a stark reminder that it is fragile, and preserving it requires people of courage, character and good faith. People of all ages, races, genders, backgrounds and political perspectives. People who believe in the promise of this nation and are willing to work purposefully to fulfill it.

We look forward to a peaceful transition of power on January 20th.

 ABOUT THE LATINO COALITION- The Latino Coalition (TLC) was founded in 1995 by a group of Hispanic business owners from across the country to research and develop policies relevant to Latinos.  TLC is a non-profit nationwide organization with offices in California, Washington, DC and Guadalajara, Mexico.  Established to address policy issues that directly affect the well being of Hispanics in the United States, TLC’s agenda is to develop initiatives and partnerships that will foster economic equivalency and enhance overall business, economic and social development for Latinos.  Visit www.thelatinocoalition.com.

